She had learned to put up with the overpowering smell, and only a single dry heave came this time.
With a single convulsive heave she snapped back through the opening of her entry and returned identity to the physical body.
He had to run as it started its turn-but grabbed the sill and pulled himself up with a single heave of those mighty arms.
He put his hands to the heavy bronze handles as though he meant to open the door with a single hearty heave.
Checked the bayonet switch and, with a single mighty heave, turned over the engine.
Then his eyes bulged as his stomach gave a single, tumultuous heave.
Every muscle and every breath in Blade's body went into a single tremendous heave.
With a single heave, he shoved George out of the beast's swiping range and took the blow himself.
With a single heave, he ripped the turret, the chair and the cannon right up out of the wall.
With a single heave, I lifted the beast's dead weight easily onto my shoulders and went stalking away with it.