The deest walks on three toes instead of a single hoof like a horse.
The gray warsteed pivoted on a single hoof, and lashed out with her hind feet, sending the sow flying through the air.
To my horror, these feet had not toes, but a single glossy hoof which was dark and rubbery.
First, their toes are typically fused forming a single hoof like that of a mule.
Happy the man to whom his children are dear, and steeds having single hoofs, and dogs of chase, and the stranger of another land?
It should be noted that there has been reduction of toes from the common ancestor, with the classic example being horses with their single hooves.
It now had a single hoof.
His coursers are so large that they can trample a large building with a single hoof.
Once found, he tried a scooping sideways kick with a single hind hoof, hoping to catch me on the sly.
They had hoofs, single hoofs, not cloven.