The three aircraft could also combine into a single jet called the Super Abega.
The Heinkel He 162 had a single jet in a pod mounted over the fuselage.
A single jet consists of particles that fly off in roughly the same direction.
A single central jet protruded from its bottom.
But the question is, does this happen to every single jet or active nucleus, or are we seeing some odd behavior from M87?
With a whining, whooshing hiss, a single jet of flame slices through the dark order of the trunk.
I want every single jet to be in perfect condition and ready to fly within thirty days.
A total of 10 engines were damaged and replaced, including all four engines of a single jumbo jet.
He could cook a creature with a single jet of steam and was one of the most fearsome dragons extant.
"It had a single jet, then a series of jets on the side that tried to emulate the original Croton fountain."