Each of these bore a single jewel, but they were nonetheless breath-taking.
Solo had not found a single jewel, nor any clue to the wanted swag.
A single jewel fell into his hand, it flashed in the sunlight filling the courtyard with brilliant white light.
It was of a piece, that magic, like a single jewel.
He looked away from her, down at a single jewel.
Around his forehead he wore a narrow band of gold, set with a single blue jewel.
Ms. Tilberis was more discreet in a simple black dress with a single jewel.
He held out his hand, and showed a single pale-green jewel.
Juliette looked very young and girlish in a simple white gown, without a single jewel on her arms or neck.
Twin gems they were, set to a single jewel, Each shining with the other.