Los Angeles County is also the largest single jurisdiction of any kind in the United States.
A single jurisdiction often requires multiple licenses that are issued by multiple government departments and agencies.
Nor did Congress channel these legal challenges into a single jurisdiction that could have handled the cases expertly and expeditiously.
The intention was to create a single state and a single legal jurisdiction.
Thus, agreement among the regional local governments to spend limited resources on a costly roadway which primarily benefits only a single jurisdiction was problematic.
Others, such as the site's ability to publish things that no one confined to single jurisdiction can publish, might become more valuable.
It is apparent that what we need in the long term is a single universal jurisdiction to deal with these criminal dictators.
Clearly, legal cooperation within the Union is improving but we do not have a single legal jurisdiction yet.
To be fixed to a single jurisdiction means that the law holds a greater sway over you than it otherwise would.
I mean, there hasn't even been enough evidence to convince a single jurisdiction that something is amiss.