The F1 system, using an analog computer, a single launcher and without a data link, was fitted to HMA Ships and only.
The F3 system, with a digital computer, digital display, single launcher and a digital data link, was fitted to the other four River class ships.
The same chassis is used as the launch platform for the Iranian Falaq-2, which has a single tube-type launcher mounted on the rear.
In fact, for all their sorties, the U.S. forces did not destroy a single mobile launcher.
Argentine forces deployed a single launcher to defend Stanley airport, it succeeded in shooting down one Sea Harrier (XZ456) on 1 June 1982 above 10,000 feet (3000 m).
A version of the M16 rocket for single launchers, the M20, was developed as a derivative; practice rounds designated M17 and M21 were also manufactured.
Later on, an AGM-65 Maverick capability was added, with a pair of missiles housed in a single launcher.
Now a single launcher is used for both development and deployment.
The UP was also used in ground-based single and 128-round launchers known as Z Batteries.
Sea Killer Mark 2 was purchased by Iran to arm its Saam class of four frigates, each of which was fitted with a single 5-round launcher.