There is but one single nationality in the whole Kingdom.
He declared no single nationality and claimed instead to be "a citizen of 20 countries".
As a transnational operation, no single nationality dominates the firm, and more than 80 percent of its lawyers practice outside the United States.
Italy based its claim on the fact that Italians were the largest single nationality within the city, 88% of total.
The citizens of these countries all share a single nationality: Dutch.
This is a segregated cafe, as only customers of a single nationality may sit at any table.
One player has a hand size of zero (having formed 5 single nationality tables.
In most natural disasters, we glimpse the suffering of one region, one people, often a single city with victims of a single nationality.
At least two-thirds of the team names, and more among the strong performers, suggest a single nationality.
The South Slav villages were composed of single nationalities.