Power chords are often performed within a single octave, as this results in the closest matching of overtones.
The evolution of other instruments had marginalized the bagpipes, whose range was only a single octave.
Mantle Hood rejected this hypothesis, and associates the preference for a single octave with the characteristic shape of the cadence in the pathet.
The second type has the CF starting at a frequency of 60 kHz and then falls for more than a single octave.
By providing all of the notes of a single octave, a singer can start in any key called for in Western music.
To extend the single octave (midi octave number 4) into the next higher, a dot can be put above the number.
Jinghu performers in Beijing opera rarely shift into higher positions, and instead choose to compress the melody into a single octave.
If transposed into a single octave, it becomes a minor second or major seventh.
Due to the principle of octave equivalence, scales are generally considered to span a single octave, with higher or lower octaves simply repeating the pattern.
With her sweet soprano now reduced to a single, smoky octave, she mostly plays compère to her grinning backing singers.