If consists of a single orbit then is said to be transitive.
Also, "bringing the capsule down several orbits earlier than intended" does not make sense, considering that the Vostok mission involved a single orbit.
One report had the spacecraft making only a single orbit.
An n-body choreography is a periodic solution to the n-body problem in which all the bodies are equally spread out along a single orbit.
She traveled through a single orbit of the Earth.
Where the sun's gravitational grip slackened, countless icy islands swung, taking centuries to complete a single orbit around the dim home star.
While the lifeship is completing a single orbit you will have time enough to assemble the items from a list that we will prepare now.
One desired safety requirement for any spacecraft is the ability to "abort once around", that is, to return for a landing after a single orbit.
The angular brackets on the left-hand side of the equation represent the averaging over a single orbit.
In this case, all of the angles make up a single orbit under the doubling map.