But a great deal of subsequent chaos turns on it, as an avalanche is said to turn on a single pebble.
A centerpiece of their argument is a single pebble, about the size of a chickpea, found in a layer created 45 million years ago.
A single pebble ticked off a rock to Kairn's right.
This instrument is powered by children placing single or multiple pebbles into any of the thousands of holes in the instrument.
That night there came the signal of a single pebble, which Rolf answered with one wave.
Apparently this is not possible; one hole must contain a single pebble.
It would hold up, they assured him, for another hundred years without shifting a single pebble.
The last thrown single pebble is to enforce to happen the wishes.
Don't even try to unmake a single pebble.
A single small yellow and red pebble in her eyes' pupil creates a rare genuine look on the woman's figure.