Modesty wound her single thick plait of hair into a club and slipped a rubber band over it.
Black hair was oiled smooth and slicked into single fur-bound plaits.
Her hair was still braided for sleep in a single plait reaching almost to her waist.
His hair was parted at the centre and had been braided in a single plait which fell five inches beyond his shoulders.
Black hair was also oiled, worn in single, fur-wrapped plaits.
She had always braided her hair into a single plait, the way her mother had done it for her as a tiny child.
Nannie Prendergast wore a dark green dress and had her hair in a single plait.
Her graying hair was braided into a single plait which trailed down her waist.
Frowning, Dee combed her hair and began to braid it into a single plait.
Her long black hair is braided in a single plait down her back, and gleams in the sun.