He is one of 30 officers arrested in one of the worst scandals involving a single precinct.
The effects were not limited to a large shake-up in a single precinct and official vows to get tough on police corruption.
The old divisions between patrol officers, detectives and narcotics investigators are disappearing, enabling a single precinct to take a team approach.
He urged the team to recount the ballots in every single precinct, not just the three counties that were initially selected.
The show focused on a single precinct of patrol officers in New York.
What was uncommon about the killing was that it broke a 20-year record for homicides in a single precinct, although with a footnote.
The show detailed the lives of a single precinct of police patrol officers.
Anderson did not carry a single precinct in the country.
"What if it was decided by one vote, would they go recount every single state, every single precinct?"
"There is less crime in every single precinct," he said.