The biggest growth in 2002 was 11 percent in lotteries - "the biggest single purchaser of advertising time," Christiansen says, referring to radio and television.
It would also direct the federal government, the largest single purchaser of electricity in the world, to buy 10 percent of its power from renewable resources.
A one bedroomed flat is restricted to single purchasers.
"The United States government is the world's single largest purchaser of computers and other technologies for gathering and using information," he said in his radio address.
A single purchaser is limited to 35 percent of an issue.
Now it is selling a million shares to the public, and plans to sell its remaining 298,187 shares to a single purchaser who has not been publicly identified.
"Combined, we'll probably be the biggest single purchaser of engines outside of the automotive industry," Mr. Perrella said.
According to a person with ties to Armacon, the entire Chesapeake Beach offering was placed with a single purchaser.
As the largest single purchaser of medical services in the US, Medicare's fixed pricing schedules have a significant impact on the market.
In fact, the U.S. government is the biggest single purchaser of products and services in the country, spending more than $300 billion annually.