The lift operates without a single supporting pylon.
Suppose that all worlds, all universes, met in a single nexus, a single pylon, a Tower.
The bridge has an asymmetrical design, with a single pylon in an inverted Y shape located on the western bank of the river.
The bridge is of an asymmetrical design, with a single pylon located on the Thonburi bank of the river.
The bridge is a cable-stayed design with a single pylon.
The cable-stayed deck is supported by a single pylon via a central plane of 14 cables on each side of the tower.
It is the longest cable-stayed bridge in Poland supported by a single pylon.
Finally, the top wing was attached to the fuselage not by a set of cabane struts, but by a single large pylon.
The bridge consists of a single pylon counterbalancing a 160 metre span with lengths of cables, making a dramatic architectural statement.
It drifted gracefully around a tower and landed on the point of a single central pylon.