All of them are relentlessly practical, unsentimental about rats and incapable of delivering a single memorable quotation.
My favorite single quotation is from the artist Thomas Hart Benton: "For me the Great Plains have a releasing effect.
"I can't think of a book of history that I have read that is entirely accurate in every single quotation," Mr. Brookhiser said.
It may be worth mentioning that some candidates achieve Grade "A" without mentioning any historian or writing down a single quotation.
Typically, this consists of allowing the programmer to use either single quotations or double quotations interchangeably.
Another five suited deck is Don't Quote Me, with single quotations as the fifth suit.
Not a single quotation to substantiate this, of course, but let's not be churlish, after all, it's only a Column.
A single quotation, "Let us have peace," is chiseled into the pediment high above the entranceway.
This single quotation for protagonist is peculiarly neat, moreover, in that Dryden explicitly states the newly minted word's meaning within the sentence.
That single quotation from the Dertouzos deposition was featured in the Microsoft trial and presented as evidence by the Government.