A single shard of memory lodged in her mind, less than a heartbeat in duration.
A. One single shard, please, and put the pebbles back in the driveway.
For one victim, nearly 200 pieces have been identified, while for others, there was a single shard of bone.
It was like a single shard of sunlight, as seen from the bottom of murky water.
Now she pointed further down the bench, where a row of small dishes, each half filled with fluid, sat beside single shards.
It has invaded my work-area before I have placed a single shard into the weightless chamber.
"We don't have even one single shard from the Roman or the later Byzantine period," he added.
All that was left after the bombing was a single shard of glass that was incorporated into the new window.
The trouble was that all by itself, that single shard of gold probably wouldn't begin to buy him all he needed for a comfortable retirement.
The Bahia Emerald is one of the largest emeralds (or rather, emerald crystals embedded in host rock) and contains the largest single shard ever found.