Instead, they are retiring him without having sold a single share.
"I've been thinking I'll keep a single share and frame it," he said.
A single $1 share of Microsoft stock held since 1981, before the company went public, is worth approximately $1,500 today.
So far we have examined different ways of valuing a single share in the firm.
Barnum had no interest whatever in it, not holding a single share of the stock.
But we have a control: no employee in money management is allowed to own a single share of the company, for one thing.
He didn't gamble, and to Ray's knowledge, had never bought a single share of stock.
Suppose, though, that it were illegal for a single share to trade hands more often than every six months.
She has never owned so much as a single share of a mutual fund.
Insurance companies accounted for the single greatest share of payments, about $19.6 billion.