A single sighting of an Orange-bellied Parrot was made in 1992.
A single sighting could be a fluke or a prank, but two that close together sound awfully legitimate.
So far, they have not received a single plausible sighting of any of them.
After that, there has not been a single undisputed sighting of the ivory-bill.
Lancashire police have so far failed to come up with a single positive sighting of him since.
For the next two days they pressed on, sailing deeper into the whaling grounds, but without a single sighting of their prey.
It may be that the fairy people discover love in a single sighting, but it doesn't happen that way with me.
Every police officer in the city has his name and his picture, but we don't have a single sighting of him to follow up.
Or you wouldn't be taking so much interest in a single sighting.