It could have been caused by a single spore which has increased by geometrical progression.
But some experts contend that just a few spores, maybe even a single spore, could infect a susceptible person in rare circumstances.
In his view, a single spore has a chance, however small, of infecting someone.
Spores are the units of asexual reproduction, because a single spore develops into a new organism.
Indeed, at least one germ warfare expert has suggested that a single spore might do it.
One kind, the megasporangium, produces only a single large spore (a megaspore).
Not a single spore left in sight.
"We don't want to lose a single spore of anthrax," a government investigator said.
They never found a single spore or any other clue to how Ms. Nguyen became infected.
But these are just the tips of a living iceberg spawned ages ago by a single spore.