A single long stride put the giant's other foot in front of him, though, and he had nowhere to run.
Unfortunately, she covered the length of the cell in a single stride.
The instant he decided to move more quickly, a single stride carried him floating, gliding, clear across the great room.
It stepped across the brook in a single stride and stood towering over him.
"I believe you," Blade told her, now within a single stride of the drawer in question.
In a single stride we were out of sight of the others.
With a single stride, she landed in the center of the pack.
He "steps in a single stride" through one window of the cotton house and exits, four strides later, out the other.
He is said to have covered 21 feet in a single stride at the finish.
The President had argued that his departure, of itself, would be the single greatest stride toward democracy in the country's 39-year history.