The corrugated steel storm shutters above the windows were held open with a single wooden strut.
The wing is a constant-chord design with a single strut and end-plates.
Here the walls were all glass unbroken by a single strut or muntin, and the view took the gunslinger's breath away.
The wings are braced with a single strut on each side to the lower fuselage.
The wings are braced by single struts to the lower fuselage.
The wing is supported by a single strut per side.
The wing is supported by a single strut each side with a single jury strut.
Twin vertical wing bracing struts were changed to a single I-type strut.
The undercarriage was strengthened by replacing the single forward strut with a V to match the one at the rear.
Two fixed floats, mounted well outboard on single struts, stabilised flights off water.