These transistors had the useful property that a single transistor could possess two stable states.
If class F is implemented with a single transistor, the filter is complicated to short the even harmonics.
In 1961, Anderson says, a single transistor was ten dollars.
However, this trial only tested a single transistor.
A single transistor like this represents one "stage" of an amplifier.
In addition, the bias current I is set by a single global transistor that is common to all the inputs.
Weighing 65 lb, the machine used diode-transistor logic instead of single transistors.
Either way, they will require more current than a single CPU-style transistor because of the differences.
In 1947, a single transistor measured a little over one-hundredth of a meter high.
In contrast, in a conventional microchip, the failure of a single transistor can be fatal.