The 140 character limit [the maximum length of a single tweet] was originally set so it could fit onto one text message.
You haven't mentioned a single tweet that shows any particular insight into Goldman Sachs.
The organization further commented, "Cheng may be the first Chinese citizen to become a prisoner of conscience on the basis of a single tweet."
And I am noticing that I think my message about please follow me if you want a response - because, I mean, I read every single tweet that I get.
And as for the prize being less valid because Fry won't read every single tweet out there: the vast majority of prizes rely on nominations, so what's the problem?
Because I've been brought up well by my mum, I replied to every single message and every single tweet.
My best guess as to why that is: A single tweet from Justin Bieber to his 12+ million followers with a link to the video the day it was posted.
A Chinese court has sentenced a woman to one year in a labor camp for a single tweet.
Topiary recently deleted all of the posts on his own Twitter account leaving in place only a single tweet that read "You cannot arrest an idea."
The idea started with a single tweet from account holder @BrendaDrumm on the social networking site Twitter on 19 November 2011.