The wind's howl and the booming reef came as a single ominous vowel, roaring, rising in pitch.
Thus, a single long vowel has two different phonetic realizations:
This word is often written with single vowels nearby the ideogram of the man.
After the consonant comes a single long or short vowel, which is sometimes followed by a single closing consonant.
A syllable is "light" if it ends in a single short vowel.
The use and abuse of a single vowel - "e" - also seems without precedent.
In the word button, both syllables are closed syllables because they contain single vowels followed by consonants.
A single short vowel rarely appears in syllable-final position.
In addition to single vowels (or monophthongs), Vietnamese has diphthongs and triphthongs.
There can never be multiple consecutive vowels in Swedish; they are always replaced with a single vowel.