Former President Gerald Ford cast new doubt on the single-bullet theory by disclosing that he altered the Warren Commission finding about the entry point of a bullet to President Kennedy's back.
Well, it's not as scintillating as the single-bullet theory, but it's pretty good.
Regarding the single-bullet theory, Boggs commented, "I had strong doubts about it."
Tonight you can hear the argument for the single-bullet theory.
Mr. Specter, who served as an assistant counsel to the Warren Commission, called the movie "absurd" and said it "mangled the facts on the single-bullet theory" that he devised.
An examination of the fragments could test the single-bullet theory accepted by the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination.
"How would you like to not have a single day go by," he said, "without being asked about the single-bullet theory or Anita Hill?"
He takes credit for producing the so-called single-bullet theory to explain how Kennedy was killed.
Their chatter about the single-bullet theory and the grassy knoll echo the dark suspicions of two generations.
The Roswell report will settle the debate over aliens about as well as the Warren report settled the debate over the single-bullet theory.