Kong looked up to where Cho was blasting away just as a small, sleek, single-engine fighter roared overhead.
It became clear that the Ki-45 could not hold its own against single-engine fighters in aerial combat.
In September 1944, monthly German single-engine fighter production reached its wartime peak - 3031 fighter aircraft.
The new aircraft would be a single-engine fighter, but larger than any single-engine fighter ever designed for the Air Force.
A swarm of missiles rose into the sky after them, and the single-engine fighters turned west, skimming over the ground in their attempt to evade.
Alekseyev swore as the single-engine fighter bored in, dropped two bombs on the far side of the river, and streaked away.
Compact inflatable dinghies were developed for all combat aircraft, even single-engine fighters.
In the late 1930s Fighter Command were not expecting to be facing single-engine fighters over Britain, only bombers.
In combat, they proved vulnerable to more agile single-engine fighters.
Originally the base was home to a squadron each of MiG-23s and MiG-27s, both single-engine fighters.