Forty feet below, Motherwell came out of the house, single-handedly carrying the mattress from a double bed.
Drexler almost single-handedly carried the team through the first half of the season, keeping them within striking distance of the division-leading Golden State Warriors.
This latest incarnation was a monumental logistical and technical challenge for the filmmakers and a psychological one for Smith, who single-handedly carries the film.
Thank God, then, for Weisz, who breathes soul into her role and single-handedly carries the film and its weighty subject.
Variety agreed: "Taylor, fashionably gowned and bejeweled carries the film almost single-handedly.
Playing in all but 24 minutes of his team's seven tournament matches, he single-handedly carried Uruguay into the finals.
She has an inimitable talent and onscreen presence by means of which she single-handedly carries the film with her gut wrenching raw performance".
Davis carried the offense almost single-handedly, making four 3-point jumpers.
Lindh has almost single-handedly carried the banner of a flailing United States Ski Team this season.
It should not, therefore, be the case that the Fifth Framework Programme should single-handedly carry the cost of decommissioning.