During his time as the commander of Katana's Special Forces, he single-handedly defeated all their enemies.
However, the device turned out to be a weapon system, and he single-handedly defeated the assembled Masters.
Asmodeus once saved Daniel's life after he single-handedly defeated four demons at once one day, almost losing himself in the process.
Imokilly once again provided the opposition, however, Browne proved the hero and single-handedly defeated the opposition.
He is the only Eco-Villain able to single-handedly defeat Captain Planet.
She reluctantly uses her powers to assist them in their battle, and manages to single-handedly defeat the threat.
Mohsen single-handedly defeated the African giants by scoring a double in Petrojet's surprise 2-1 win.
On that day, he led his unit's attack against German forces and single-handedly defeated several enemy machinegun nests.
In most of their battles, the only soldier who had to fight was War, who would single-handedly defeat hordes of men just by himself.
It is later revealed that Stryker had her killed because a vision from the future foretold she would be the one to single-handedly defeat his army.