He single-handedly revived the shotgun formation in the modern era of football.
He is often credited with single-handedly reviving the grenache grape in Australia.
And reaching outside the county, he is vowing, with his typical bravado, to single-handedly revive the Catskills.
Can it single-handedly revive the adventure genre?
This generosity leads them to give Nicholas a job and provide for his family, and almost single-handedly revive his faith in the goodness of man.
The show, on ABC three nights a week, has an average audience of 28.5 million viewers and has single-handedly revived the network.
In little over a year, Downtown Abbey has single-handedly revived the British fascination with period dramas.
The channel's standard-bearing talk show, "Politically Incorrect," is almost single-handedly reviving political satire on television.
Charles Melton has been credited as "single-handedly reviving the grenache grape in Australia".
He would seem to have few illusions about single-handedly reviving the old days of positive American feelings toward Iraq, occasioned then by anti-Iranian sentiment.