But at the same time, they defended the right of the single-issue groups to run unregulated issue advertisements.
A single-issue group may form in response to a particular issue area sometimes in response to a single event or threat.
There would be a short opening riff about the role of the Presidency as a bulwark against "single-issue groups and special-interest organizations."
"Giving single-issue groups a target is more of a price than I'm willing to pay."
The problem here is with single-issue groups seeing the entire world solely from the point-of-view of their own issue.
What differentiates single-issue groups from other interest groups is their intense style of lobbying.
They call on single-issue groups to abandon their litmus tests and band together in common cause.
The bill also applies fund-raising limits to campaign ads broadcast by single-issue groups two months before an election.
Legislators are dealing with single-issue groups that don't give up much space.
They contend that the money will find its way back into the process through narrower, single-issue groups that are less accountable.