Not all authoritarian states and dictatorships operate based on single-party rule.
They cite many motives, among them a simple desire for new leadership after decades of single-party rule.
Most of the authors argue that democracy can be functionally consistent with single-party rule.
Prior to the current multi-party political system in Egypt, there was single-party rule.
A revised Constitution adopted in 1990 introduced the multiparty system putting an end to the single-party rule.
(2) Government by national coalition works better than single-party rule or even multiparty democracy.
One brick in the foundation of single-party rule has been public resignation.
As single-party rule has crumbled in one African country after another, the result has been more bloodshed.
Laos is under single-party rule, and any kind of opposition is out of the question.
Nasty, corrupt single-party rule in China has managed spectacular economic growth, with incomes growing nearly fivefold, from $186 to $944, between 1982 and 2002.