Adult elk usually stay in single-sex groups for most of the year.
Strip games can be played by single-sex groups or by mixed groups in social situations.
Afterwards it is branded and kept in single-sex groups.
Although each adult and independent juvenile forages alone, sea otters tend to rest together in single-sex groups called rafts.
During early adolescence, adolescents often associate in cliques, exclusive, single-sex groups of peers with whom they are particularly close.
Women tend to outnumber men, but beware the single-sex group.
Lifestyles vary between individuals, with some occurring alone while others are found in single-sex groups.
In both coeducational and single-sex groups, the participants work together in a series of sessions that may total 10 to 40 hours.
Mature red deer (C. elaphus) usually stay in single-sex groups for most of the year.