We may have lost some single-ticket buyers, but we've gone beyond it.
Every effort is made to accommodate single-ticket buyers at the Goodman Theater in Chicago, and then some.
So we made room for additional single-ticket buyers.
Now, Mr. Grove said, one-third of the club's audiences are single-ticket buyers.
"Most regular donors are subscribers or frequent single-ticket buyers," said one development officer at a West Coast orchestra.
But luring single-ticket buyers costs more because a company must advertise more heavily.
And with an average subscription base of only 30 percent, black theaters must depend on single-ticket buyers, reached largely through radio advertising.
Its 8,000 subscribers (who account for two-thirds of sales) and single-ticket buyers last year filled 88,303 seats, or 88 percent of the 100,638 available.
"So we're extending the offer to single-ticket buyers at all of our 1991 winter and spring concerts."
We had to add 10:30 shows, and they are attracting mostly single-ticket buyers who might not come here otherwise.