Subscriptions have dropped, Ms. Barnes said, but single-ticket sales have gone up.
The Met is also experiencing a trend away from subscription series and toward single-ticket sales.
Subscription prices, single-ticket sales and other information are available from the Westchester Symphony office at 631-4313.
They want a spontaneous approach, though they still want more of an alliance with us than single-ticket sales give them.
A year ago, the orchestra said that it had fewer than 1,000 subscribers but relatively strong single-ticket sales.
And while subscriptions have remained steady at slightly under 11,000, single-ticket sales are up slightly since he took over.
Subscriptions may be down, and single-ticket sales may also be down, but we have noticed a significant rise in tickets being given away for free.
Unlike the opera season, which has subscribers, the musical box office depends entirely on single-ticket sales.
Historically arts groups depended on season ticketholders as a foundation on which to build single-ticket sales, cover production costs and guarantee a minimum audience.
Under Speers' leadership subscriptions and single-ticket sales increased.