The studios and offices were in a single-wide trailer while the transmitter was 400 feet away.
Maisy Reynolds lived in a single-wide trailer on a country lot, what Lucas thought was probably forty acres, ten miles outside of Virginia.
His single-wide trailer is filled with computers, supporting the Internet publishing company that has been his avocation since retirement.
There was a cluster of six single-wide trailers surrounded by chain-link fence and two real estate offices in double-wides with empty asphalt parking lots out front.
A pair of battery-powered lanterns illuminated a clearing that was no longer than a single-wide trailer.
I remember sitting in his office - a single-wide trailer - as all this heavy equipment was moving around, working on the stadium.
Hundreds of single-wide trailers packed tightly together in a bright, white-gravel lot.
Additional office space was provided by a single-wide trailer tucked between the fence and the building.
As newlyweds 20 years ago, the Minnicks lived in one of the single-wide trailers, a signature Appalachian shelter easy to place in tight, twisting hollows.
This is a ratty little single-wide trailer on the edge of a fallow farm quite a ways out of Ft. Collins, toward the Interstate.