One of Mr. Stern's singular accomplishments is an honest, complex portrait of, rather than a bland tribute to, his longtime friend.
None of this, however, dims the singular accomplishment of Mr. Massey's brave, extravagant and, yes, truly brilliant performance.
He was truly a great man, doomed to be unrecognized for his most singular accomplishment.
Sir William Dugdale wrote, giving much testimony of his singular accomplishments:
Space does not permit a comprehensive survey of the singular accomplishments of America's sheriffs' departments, so I will cite just two.
Geoffrey Beene is a designer of singular accomplishments.
What the space programs of the world achieved at Baikonur yesterday is a singular accomplishment.
To steal the ti bon ange of another bokor or of a mundunugu would be considered a singular accomplishment among the mad-cow set.
She seems to be a young woman of singular accomplishment," Kirk said.
IT'S a rather singular accomplishment that "Reality" makes the personal contemplation of mortality sound so crashingly, defiantly vital.