Often the stories are not of a religious nature but include singular incidents that reflect religious life.
"I recollect this, because the poor devil's death was accompanied by a singular incident."
Miller didn't write about a singular incident, but enduring themes.
"This is very extraordinary," I said, musing over the novel and singular incident.
People are short sighted, they watch a singular incident in a tv documentary and from that apply a blanket judgement over all.
He intends for his readers to believe the couple's adultery was much more than a singular incident.
"This is a singular incident involving no other real-estate agencies," he said.
There was little scandal about this singular domestic incident.
Let us observe, but do not dwell on these singular incidents before our companions.
He went on to write that it was a difficult 'fact-led' question about whether this singular incident would fall within the James decision.