Now do you know,' he added checking himself with infinite policy, and looking round with a smile; 'that's a very singular instance of the force of example.
'It's a most singular instance of penetration!'
A very singular instance of the inconsequence of her manoeuvres is found towards the conclusion of the play.
One expression of this is by Medawar (quoted in Coffey, 1981, p. 30) that 'in all sciences we are progressively relieved of the burden of singular instances, the tyranny of the particular.
Mr. Chesnut asked, adding, "We're not in a good position to evaluate in a singular instance who's right and wrong."
He presents a singular instance of military devotion; with wealth, domestic happiness, and a certain seat in parliament, he preferred to risk his life and lose it in the service of his country.
According to Timperley, Samuel Rousseau was "a singular instance of patient perseverance in the acquirements of the ancient languages".
A singular instance, this: The Shadow forced to hold back blame from Titus Weldorf in order not to cast suspicion upon himself.
Several of the references are not to a work itself, but to a singular instance of the physical book, such as a rare edition or type of binding.
But it is not in romance alone that we find such singular instances of adherence to an indefinite promise.