The poem is nearly perfect in its way- the thoughts striking and natural- the versification singularly sweet.
Then suddenly a singularly sweet voice was heard through all the din.
Though they were blind, his eyes were singularly sweet.
'Please do,' said Jack, looking up from his queue with that singularly sweet smile Stephen had known from their earliest acquaintance.
He gave her a singularly sweet smile as he put the car into gear.
He smiled, a singularly sweet lopsided smile spoilt by the display of uneven and discoloured teeth.
He could draw from memory striking likenesses of every one whom he had known or seen, and his musical compositions were singularly sweet and effective.
His nature, which he was unable to disguise under a cloak of cynical disillusion, was a singularly sweet one.
A character singularly sweet and pure was enlivened by a bright vein of humour.
Rosseyn's smile lit his eyes now, singularly sweet, still sad.