Why did Aunt Ruth ask such a question, as if she suspected her of some dark, deep, sinister design?
But that doesn't necessarily mean her caution has been the product of sinister designs on you and me.
Had the sentry panicked at the sound of a galloping horse and fired off a lucky shot, or was there a more sinister design?
Certain people were out for other and more sinister designs.
I see nothing of interest to the evaluation section or, for that matter, a sinister design to the admiral's request.
But those unhappy about the change see a more sinister design.
Was he the agent of others or had he some sinister design of his own?
The question James asks is whether this type of behavior can generally be attributed to "garden-variety incompetence" or "sinister design."
"All these events point to a very sinister design," Mr. Singh said.
The former sees it as a chance to compromise Josh and effect his dismissal; the latter has more sinister designs.