He was excessively fat and had a sinister and aggressive expression.
A deep frown appeared between her brows, giving an almost sinister expression to her face.
A very sinister expression came over the face of the prostrate one, and he slowly clambered to his feet.
His eyes were big and dark, frank-looking, yet now and again with sinister expression in the corners of them.
The familiar sound of one of those voices caused a sinister expression to cross his dark face.
There was something in the tone of this reply, which made Uriah look at the speaker again, with a very sinister and suspicious expression.
A somewhat sinister expression, that, don't you think?
A sinister expression played upon the gray-haired man's lips.
It was obvious by the man's sinister expression that he intended to strike back at her hard.
Perhaps something can be made of this, he smiled - and a Klingon's smile is a sinister expression.