As he glances through it, the text seems to be attracted to his hand, beginning to glow in a sinister fashion.
The Shadow laughed in low, sinister fashion, as he glided back toward the window.
The man's voice seemed to laugh in sinister fashion.
- here he rubbed his hands together in sinister movie-villain fashion.
Then of course he had planned my removal in a more sinister fashion.
I grinned in what I hoped was a sinister fashion.
The big wardrobe loomed up in a sinister fashion before her eyes.
Finished with these preparations, he looked up at me over the rim of the cup in a distinctly sinister fashion.
For two years and eight months, whatever drove one man to attack eight strangers in such sinister fashion, stayed quiescent within him.
He looked up from the book again, and his eyes glowed in a rather sinister fashion.