Tom has heard it will be a sinister and menacing place, but nothing could fully prepare him for what he finds there.
They had not yet fathomed the whole truth about this sinister place!
Still, she knew that in reality it wasn't a sinister place, and she was relieved to at last have arrived.
The world is a dark, sinister, mysterious and totally frightening place.
It is a sinister place, for all its allure.
Still, I'd like to think the London of today is a far less sinister place than it used to be.
They were going into a dark and sinister dramatic place, more in line with the cliches of what black theater is supposed to be.
It was soon to become a much more sinister place.
His 17-year-old bride, Elizabeth, however, sees the new jail as a sinister place.
She had never been in such a sinister place.