The "moonscapes" turn out to be closeups of sliced bread, though the black "feet" hold far more sinister secrets.
That other sinister secret was the most carefully kept of all.
And the sinister secrets that come to life don't have much resonance after their initial jolt.
He knew the man was a secret agent of the British government, who had made a business of tracing sinister secrets to their source.
With his new friends, Benson discovers that there's a deeper and more sinister secret at stake.
He's the only one who's onstage for all three scenes, and he is the play's unofficial detective, elucidating sinister secrets.
The other one has a more sinister secret, which his sister uncovers.
The film revolves around a freshman at a college who believes a house on sorority row is hiding sinister secrets.
But there is a sinister secret about this certain Plant Doll.
But until the passing of the Kings they were not sinister secrets.