The Shadow's tone was whispered, but lacked a sinister touch.
Darkness had brought a sinister touch to the realm of the underworld.
Though repressed, that tone carried the same sinister touch that had characterized the mirth heard in the courtroom.
A strange tone, with a sinister touch, that men of evil could regard as mocking challenge.
In the other Leipzig canvas, a house facade titled "38," it is a touch sinister.
The Shadow's laugh finished with a sinister touch.
This time, the whisper had a sibilant, almost sinister touch.
But it also held a sinister touch that drilled deep into Rathcourt's brain.
And, by the way, Perky probably doesn't need to hear too much about Amsterdam," Miles said with a mildly sinister touch.
The cold, crisp weather had the Hakazit breathing steam, and that leant an even more sinister touch to everything.