Pogy was credited with sinking 62,633 tons of shipping in 16 ships.
Mine laying from aircraft had proved more profitable, sinking 38,000 tons.
By the end of her patrol, on 22 July, she had sunk 22,000 tons of shipping.
She is credited with having sunk 3,127 tons of shipping on her single war patrol.
Jack was credited with sinking 76,687 tons of Japanese shipping.
Lapon was credited with sinking 53,443 tons of Japanese shipping.
Bargsten was given credit for having sunk 29,000 tons of shipping and one corvette.
She is credited with having sunk 19,710 tons of shipping.
During September, the Allies sank 33,939 tons of shipping at sea.
She is credited with having sunk 10,380 tons of Japanese shipping.