The morale in that department sank well below zero.
QE2 will be no different and may well sink the economy faster than the Titanic!
If you were sent to sea alone in an open boat to some unknown destination, your heart might well sink within you.
"The economy will be sinking well into the middle of next year."
She sank in it well over her ankles and it was just the thing for sore feet.
Opening the door, he climbed out of the Jeep, his feet sinking well past his ankles into the deepening snow.
During his one-year reign, United has been hit with problems that might well sink many a company.
Yet the Administration has persuaded some loyalist senators to oppose it, a move that could well sink the treaty.
The property was being steadily improved with extra fencing and well sinking during the year.
In several places the mercury sank well below zero, down to minus 22 in some parts of Connecticut.