Her sinuous arms and shoulder movements were seductive.
A white plastic creature with eight long, sinuous arms sat in the center of the gallery.
They also have short, sinuous arms similar to elephant trunks, ending with taloned hands, with mouths set in the palms.
So I come to meet her, equipped with three sets of sinuous arms and flashing hands.
She had wrapped her long sinuous arms around her daughter and picked her up off the floor.
He waved the apology away with both sinuous arms.
Abruptly the whole line turned sideways and pounded the air with sinuous arms and hard fists, then froze.
A sinuous arm enwrapped his throat, snapping his head backward.
Her sweeping, sinuous arms have always seemed particularly captivating.
Turning suddenly the others saw that a long arm, sinuous as a tentacle, was thrust out from the lake's dark edge.