With a gesture he freed a sinuous gray shadow from the wall of light.
"I can't see any," Dodd said, disappointed, then suddenly a sinuous shadow writhed swiftly between two crevices.
He thought one of the sinuous shadows shifted away from his blow.
Till some signal was given and they were called, and slunk aside, like sinuous shadows, to the caressing hands of their masters.
The two suns hung low in the crimson sky, casting long, sinuous shadows with blurred edges like a double exposure.
The play of liquid light and sinuous shadow cast me into a melancholy mood.
He turned left and there were the remains of the Shield Wall, a sinuous low shadow in the morning light.
His vistas prompt us to be lost in our thoughts, to be absorbed by the moment, distracted by curvy forms and sinuous shadows.
Waves of sinuous shadow went over the ripe hayfields, and plundering bees sang a freebooting lilt in wayside gardens.
She gazed uncompromisingly through the birches to a field where winds were weaving patterns in the ripening wheat and making sinuous shadows like flowing amber wine.