Babel left behind a relatively small but brilliant body of work, short stories of an amazingly sinuous and economical style that the novelist and critic Cynthia Ozick has called "burnished brevity."
Bobby Beauchamp, a gold medalist in the United States Eastern Regional Championships in the early 1980's, has a sleek and sinuous style of his own.
Similarly, Wolff connects the sinuous, crowd-pleasing style of women's basketball in Brazil to that country's musical traditions.
Even Mr. Wong's moody spot has a callused machismo missing from small-screen auto ads, instead of his usual sinuous narrative style that questions traditional gender roles.
This time, Mr. Joanou devises a sinuous black-and-white style that superbly showcases the simplicity and directness of the group's performing style, and he has the good sense to stay with it.
Phil Joneau's "sinuous black-and-white style superbly showcases the simplicity and directness of the group's performing style" in this concert documentary.
The energy of the collection is richly informed by the tension between such short-line stanzas and the more sinuous and leisurely style of the longer poems.
Laxman is known for his "wristy, willowy and sinuous" style, one which is technically fluid at its best.
Though by necessity it had to be square in form with a peaked roof, it had been ornamented in the same sinuous style as the towers.
The choreography contrasts the crisp steps associated with Scottish folk dances with a more sinuous style that one might expect to see in some trendy club.